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Rubber and Resins

We offer and sell chemical products and raw materials for the rubber and resins industry. From the tyre to the polyurethanes industry, the footwear to the medical and dental industry and the mechanical and automotive departments to the building industry: chemical products for rubbers and resins are used and can be used in numerous applications. In this broad range of scenarios, OQEMA S.p.A. is able to offer a qualitative excellency resulting from years of research, experience and development. The objective of OQEMA S.p.A. is to introduce raw materials, products and cutting-edge technologies by providing excellent service and technical assistance for the development of customised solutions to suit the application needs of each customer.

Fabio Chimisso

Head of Performance Chemicals

T +39 335 8088602
F +39 02 21051633
fabio.chimisso( at )

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